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Vervangende RPS-motor voor uw Neato Robotics XV-serie robotzuigers
6 maanden garantie
Moet omgekeerde polariteit hebben zodat de RPS op de juiste manier draait
Dit is een door RobotShop goedgekeurd product. RobotShop is niet gelieerd aan Neato voor de distributie van dit product. Deze Neato XV RPS-motor is niet bedoeld voor vervanging van de garantie. Door onderdelen van uw robot te vervangen vervalt de garantie die nog steeds van kracht is bij RobotShop en bij de fabrikant. RobotShop beveelt dit onderdeel aan voor vervanging na de garantieperiode.
I just replaced the old LIDAR motor in one of my bots and it seems to working fine (apparently you need to switch the polarity, black wire on positive terminal). I wish they had all the other motors in the bots in stock (e.g. main brush motor, etc.)
Semble fonctionner, actuellement en cours de test.
Je viens de remplacer l'ancien moteur LIDAR dans l'un de mes robots et il semble bien fonctionner (apparemment, vous devez changer la polarité, le fil noir sur la borne positive). Je souhaite qu'ils aient tous les autres moteurs des robots en stock (par exemple, le moteur de la brosse principale, etc.)
Replaced the turret motor on my Botvac
Remplacé le moteur de la tourelle sur mon Botvac
Perfect replacement for Neato Botvac 80
PLEASE BE AWARE: The *original* motor was wired "backwards" with black wire going to positive ("+") from the factory! Negative is not marked, but if you can't figure out that it's the other one, perhaps you should stick to less technically challenging projects =). And, yes, it does not come with wires - You'll have to solder the old ones to the new motor. The replacement I ordered worked perfectly wired the same as the original (yeah, "backwards"). The symptom I had was a jittery lidar turret. It would intermittently try to spin a couple of times before giving up with a 3000 "My Vision is Blocked" message shortly after trying to start cleaning. Hooking up the the motor directly to 6v and it behave similarly (though a little better since it had no load), probably the DC brushes going bad. Was this motor designed to go in reverse? *shrug* Wonder if that could be the cause for these things to go bad in such numbers =)