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VEX IQ Color Sensor Robotics Mat (FLL Size)
Printed on highly durable 13oz matte vinyl
Correct any VEX IQ color sensor problems
Exposed to fluorescent light
Fits on any standard FLL Size table
Measures 44.75 x 92.75 inch
Grade: 5-12
The VEX IQ Color Sensor Robotics Mat (FLL Size) senses the color green when it is exposed to fluorescent light. That can make it difficult to complete challenges that involve the robot sensing green (especially since one of the VEX cubes is Green).
The solution is to have the color sensor pointing down towards a neutral color like yellow. Instead of using VEX cubes to complete challenges, as you find in the Carnegie Mellon Introduction to VEX IQ Programming, create colored cards out of construction paper.
Using this mat in conjunction with those cards will make the color sensor behave more consistently and give your students confidence in the operation of the color sensor. Our suggestion is to create at least four different colored construction paper swatches (red, green, blue, and black).