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Diameter: 58mm
Width: 16mm
Hubs: 2 for round shafts and 2 for hex shafts (Shafts not included)
The Tamiya Narrow Tire Set works well in on road conditions. Two sets of hubs have been included along with a wrench to change the hubs. One set of hubs is for hex shafts like those on many of Tamiya's gear boxes, and the other set of hubs is for round shaft applications.
Using this with Tamiya twin gear box RB-Tam-01, just a push fit to get the tires on. Rubber tread is nice an "grippy".
fonctionne bien avec les boîtes de vitesses Tamiya
En l’utilisant avec la boîte de vitesses jumelée Tamiya RB-Tam-01, il vous suffit de pousser pour faire monter les pneus. La bande de roulement en caoutchouc est agréable, "adhérente".