- A breadboard, a plastic plate, and metal distance bolts
- Fifty breadboard jumper wires
The Electronic Parts Pack for Arduino includes 40 jumper pins, 40 LED lights in 5 colors (10 pieces each), 1 RGB LED, 4 push buttons, 10 10nF capacitors, 10 100nF capacitors, 5 100uF capacitors, a trim potentiometer, 2 photo sensitive transistors (SGPT5053C), 2 diodes, 1 LM35, 1 IR photodiode, 1 SN74HC595N, a set of resistors, 1 servo motor, 1 single digit 7 segment display, 1 quad digit 7 segment display, 1 8x8 dot matrix display, 1 active buzzer, 1 passive buzzer, 2 thermistors (NTC), 2 roller ball switches (tilt switches), and 1 storage box.