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Featuring an analog output of 0-5V
The sensor is showcased in the functional block of AltonaLab IoT software
The Altonalab Temperature Sensor is an easy-to-use board, which works within the range of 20C to 100C with an accuracy of 1%. It has a connector with three screws for ground, power (+5V) and signal output. The measured output voltage (Vout) of the sensor can be converted to temperature using the expression: T = (Vout 2.7315)*100.0. If the Vout is measured using an ADC with 0-3.3V, it is recommended to use a connector board with a resistor divider of 1.5k/3.0k. The sensor element used is the LM335. For information, the sensor can work with a 12V power supply, however, in this case, the resistor on the board must be changed to 4.7k. The board can be easily used with the AltonaLab software; simply add the block AltonaSensorTemp from the Sensors library.